# Reflected Total Internal Frustration *[Raphael Wimmer](:people:raphael_wimmer)'s log book* (nothing to see here yet) (this form is only visible to Raphael)
Action template templates:blog_template "people:raphael_wimmer:blog:%Y-%m-%d_@@Title@@" Thanks "blog entry posted." Fieldset "Blog Entry" date "Date" ! Textbox "Title" Textbox "Use the pagenames in the urls of projects and people as tags (comma separated)" "=raphael_wimmer,"! textarea "Abstract (short)" Fieldset "Content" textarea "Blog Post" ! Fieldset "" submit "publish blog post"
---- datatemplatelist ---- template: templates:blog_list_template cols : %title%, date, description sort : ^date filter : tags ~~ raphael_wimmer ----